Spousal Physical Violence Against Women in Bangladesh

Violence against women is a worldwide problem, transcending cultural, geographic, religious, social, and economic boundaries. The most common type of violence against women is domestic violence perpetrated by intimate partnersDowry or other demands in marriage and a history of abuse of the husband’s mother by his father increased the risk of violence. Better spousal communication and husband’s education beyond the tenth grade decreased the risk of violence. In the urban area, women’s being younger than their husband and participating in savings and credit groups increased the risk of abuse, whereas husband’s education beyond the sixth grade had a protective effect. In the rural area, women’s earning an income increased the risk. These factors are important to consider when designing interventions.
A radical shift in the prevailing situation of wife abuse is not possible unless the overall Bangladeshi attitude toward women is profoundly changed. Mass education and campaign for violence-free spousal relationships and gender equality can decrease such violence.
Naved, R. T., & Persson, L. Å. (2005). Factors associated with spousal physical violence against women in Bangladesh. Studies in family planning36(4), 289-300.

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